Dianne McGregor

Vocational Consultant/Assessor

Mission Objectives:

  • To motivate you, inspire you and provide you with knowledge that will facilitate your career journey in a positive direction. A direction that is of your choice through education, empowerment and understanding
  • To discover a career that you will feel enthusiastic about and to help you achieve that goal through a collaborative effort in a facilitative environment
Professional Memberships and Registrations
  • Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDANZ) Full Member 
  • New Zealand Psychological Society (NZPsS) Full Member
  • Initial Occupational Assessments (IOA) ACC registered

Explore your career options

  • Understand the labour market
  • Explore suitable job types
  • Explore study, training and apprenticeship opportunites

Identify suitability

  • Learn about your personality, interests, aptitudes, and values 
  • Assess your skills
  • Evaluate job suitability

Achieve your career goals

  • Produce effective CV’s, cover letters and speculative letters
  • Enhance job search strategies
  • Enhance interview skills
  • Develop career plans